There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Back on two wheels after recovering from bronchitis

Scott the Genius
I had a nice ride with my friend Scott the Genius on Saturday. Finally the bronchitis had let go and I could pick up my two-wheel activities again! The sun was shining and the wind was (as always?) a strong headwind, making me have to pedal even going downhill.

I went along the railway line for some km
Railway line

The trail crosses the railway, this is the famous Carls Crossing, named after my bike buddy Carl who had a spectacular crossing here some time ago:

Carls crossing

Abandoned train station

The railway is hardly used any more, except for some occasional goods trains. Public transport has been abandoned long ago, as can be seen from this photo of one of the train stations

Railway bridges are nice when you want to get across the river

I rode up Husbands Hill, one of the highest peaks around here, about 1100 m above sea level. There's a very nice view from the top:

Husbands Hill view

Going down Husbands Hill in approx 45 km/h, I heard a sudden "bang" and thought there was somebody shooting. But I quickly realized that it was my rear tire that had exploded. Having experienced this before, I always carry a tire + tubes in my backpack - it came in handy this time, would have been a long walk back home. When I had just finished fixing the tire, a guy on a bicycle approaches me and asks if everything is ok? I assure him that, yes, all is fine. Then he says "you go bicycling? You go far?" I say "to Lilongwe", and he goes: "You don't have a motorcar?" ...well, wouldn't get such comments back in Norway, but hey, this is Africa ...:)

Intense S2 tire - so tired!

Looking at this tire, I observe that the nobs are hardly worn at all but the sidewalls are almost completely wasted! What a shitty tire, the sidewalls should not wear out before the nobs?!? Folks, I seriously cannot recommend the Intense S2 ...Will have to get myself some snakeskin tires like Schwalbe Albert!

Made it back home safe and sound, it was a very nice ride :)